Professional Women in Building
Proud Winner!
NAHB PWB 2023 Small Council of the Year Award
The Vision
Our Professional Women in Building chapter’s vision is to offer women in the construction industry peer-to-peer interactions by participating in community events and educational forums. We encourage women members to actively participate in association activities, cultivate relationships through networking and build upon valuable resources. It is our goal to be a resource to young women interested in this field and offer SUPPORT to one another!
How We Accomplish Our Vision:
- Monthly Opportunites for members to meet and support each other.
- Happy Hours – Featuring guest speakers focused on professional and personal development and education topics.
- Networking and Programs
- Connect via Metro’s Facebook and Instagram pages with our events.
- Resources and Publications
- We-Connect e-Newsletter – This National PWB newsletter is emailed monthly to PWB members nationally.
- Metro’s On-Site Magazine and Directory – Resources in our chapter.
- Helping to foster young women’s interest in entering fields in the construction industry.
- Community Outreach
Fun Fact:
Recent national studies say company earnings of PWB members are 22% higher than those who are not members. PWB members agree they are more successful business professionals because of the support they receive from peer members. There is access to professional development resources, forums that hone leadership skills, and national recognition within the largest network of residential construction industry professionals also give them a competitive edge by being a member of an HBA.
Please Note: In order to join the PWB you must be a current member of Metro (HBA). Our Fee is $75 to join.
To Join PWB please call (973) 887-2888 ext 1 or email
Meet Metro's PWB Chair
Julie Stilo
President and Chief Operating Officer, Stilo Disposal, LLC
If you have any questions about our PWB Council, please contact Metro's PWB Chair
Julie Stilo at