At Metropolitan Builders and Contractors Association of NJ we have a strong commitment to workforce development. We offer annual scholarships and student chapters.
What is a Student Chapter?
NAHB Student Chapter Mission
The National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) student chapter program is dedicated to enriching the educational experience of students by offering them first-hand exposure to the real world of the building industry through NAHB membership, educational programming and networking opportunities.
Student Chapter Objectives
- Promote careers in residential construction
- Address the labor shortage by promoting careers in construction through Secondary School Chapters
- Enhance education and career development for future generations of leaders in residential construction or related fields
- Build stronger connections between HBAs and Student Chapters
NAHB Student Chapters
- Nationwide – 140+ Student Chapters
- 160+ Faculty Advisors
- 4,500+ Student Members
Benefits of HBA Involvement
- Future of the Industry – tomorrows’ HBA Leaders
- A Younger Generation prepared for success
- Volunteers to assist with home shows and parade of homes
- Our members gain the perspective of Generation Y
Benefits of Student Members
- Education and Professional Development
- Internships
- Visit construction sites, manufacturing plants, material distributers and trades
- Our Metro members go into the schools as guest speakers (building, real estate, finance, architecture, etc…)
- Career fairs at IBS (International Builder Show)
- NAHB Student competitions
Connections / HBA involvement
- Students connect to local association of home builders and NAHB for networking and professional development
- Faculty and teachers connecting to our local HBA for valuable resources regarding homebuilding
- Builder members connecting to faculty and teachers through service on Industry advisory boards
- Builder members connect with students through mentoring, providing internships and future job opportunities
Benefits for Student Chapters (Nationally)
- Scholarships through National Housing Endowment
- Outstanding student chapter awards
- Outstanding chapter student of the month
- Networking Opportunities (social media)
- Education: designations classes and webinars
- Resources, data, research reports
- Newsletters, blogs, bookstore, discounts
Active Metro Student Chapters
Roxbury High School
Faculty Contact - Frank Caccavale
For more information about our Scholarships please visit our Scholarship page.